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W.R. Rayson Co. Inc.

With 50 years of great success, The Rayson Group is a highly respected manufacturer of quality products for savvy professionals. Our commitment to the needs of our customers has earned us a reputation as an industry leader. Please contact us for more details on our product line. 1.800.526.1526 or email us at: info@wrrayson.com

  • W.R. Rayson Co., Inc. manufactures of Hi-Lite Wraps, end wraps and other disposable salon and spa supplies.
  • It's A Wrap provides essential hair and beauty supplies directly to colorists and estheticians.
  • Sparenity supplies quality disposable beauty products directly to spa and salon professionals.
  • Raydenco, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of articulating paper and other assorted disposable items in the dental field.
  • Raylabcon is a leading manufacturer of lens books and assorted disposable for the medical laboratory field.
  • Ray-Pet supplies disposable Pet towels and other items for the pet and grooming industries.
  • Raysics supplies crime scene and forensic supplies to police departments nationwide. Arts and Crafts by Rayson supplies the Create-A-Block and other disposable arts and crafts supplies.
  • W.R. Rayson Export ships Rayson, Raylabcon and Raydenco products internationally, with continuing growth potential.